
Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Deforestation is an action for clearing up a wide area full of trees.  Animals are dying because humans keep cutting down trees. Humans are going to make different kinds of animals extinct if they continue to destroy homes in the woods. Most deforestation is happening in the tropics. The animal that is likely going to be extinct is a Golden Lion Tamarin monkey.

The factors that have caused this issue is that people need trees to be made into paper and used for firewood. Also farmers want the space where trees were so they can used that ground space for more farming and to grow/harvest more crops. Deforestation issues can either be direct or indirect. The direct issues are natural issues (hurricanes, fires and floods.) Human activities such as farming are cattle breeding, timber extraction, mining, oil damage, construction and building developments.

Trees assume a key job in the nearby water cycle by keeping a harmony between the water ashore and water in the air. In any case, when deforestation or corruption happens, that equalization can be misled, bringing about changes in precipitation and stream. 

You can contribute to the efforts against deforestation by doing these easy steps: Plant a Tree where you can. Go paperless at home and in the office. Buy recycled products and then recycle them again. You could also plant more trees, recycle and buy recycled things, or maybe go paperless.

When I was doing research on deforestation I had know idea that there were animals that were going to be extincted. I also did not know that the reason that people are demolishing the trees are for the farmers to plant crops and raise farm animals.

Friday, November 22, 2019


For science I am learning about the planet Mercury. 
Just to give you a comparison, Venus orbits the Sun at an average distance of 108.2 million km. And Earth orbits the Sun at an average distance of 149.6 million km. So you can see that Mercury is much closer, taking only 88 days to complete an orbit around the Sun. So, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

Mercury does not have any moon rings, it is also known as the smallest planet in the Galaxy. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun which it only takes 88 days to complete an orbit around the sun. Your weight on Mercury would be 38% of your weight in Earth. A day on the surface of Mercury  lasts 176 Earth day. Also a year on Mercury takes 88 Earth days.

Every 7 years Mercury can be seen from Earth passing the face of the Sun. This is because Mercury's orbit is turning by 7 degrees to the planet of Earths orbit and its known as a movement. The next movement of Mercury was on May 9, 2016 and was be visible from Europe after noon. 

70% of Mercury's core is made of iron. Mercury's core is about the size of earths moon. Mercury has the most iron in its core out of all the planets. There is also a rocky shell that's on the outside of the core which is about 320 miles thick. 

A mile and a kilometer are both units of length or distance. Kilometers are used in the metric system and each one is about 6/10 of a mile, which is used in the US standard system of measurement. A mile is longer than a kilometer. One mile is equal to 1.609 kilometers.

Image result for east valleyImage result for mercury

Film Study

Today in English we are going to edit and look at our filming.
And might do some more recording from different angles.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Film study

Today in English we are going to start record and these are the scenes we are recording

1st  to people talking
2 teacher comes tells them to move to the ends
3 they start to talk again
4 teachers tell them to go to referral

At the end of English
we complete our video we did more then we said we will do now we need to edit it then we are fully done.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Today in English we wanted to finish filming our film so that we can start editing. We have finished editing everything from the start to the end. We are now starting to edit our film to make the short film finished. We are making an effort so that we can show our class our finishing product. Thats what we have done for the day.

My Recipe for My Smoothie in ESOL

Smoothie Drink
  •  Pineapple Juice 
  • 1 cup pineapple 
  • 1 cup mango 
  • ½ strawberries
  • vanilla yogurt 
  • banana 
  • 1 cup apple
  • ¼ cup of ice
  • 2 cups ice - cream
  • 2 cups whipped cream
  • 3g sugar
  • 500ml milk

  • A tall glass cup
  • A metal reusable straw 
  • Measuring cups

  1. Pour all the liquids together.
  2. Then pure the ¼ of ice in and then blend it all together.
  3. After blending pure the drink into the tall glass cup.
  4. Put your straw in
  5. Pure the whipped cream around the straw and the cup.
  6. Finally, drink it and make more for your friends 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

English Planing a 30 to 35secs Film

Today in English we got put into groups and started a plan to make a 30 to 35sce film.
We decided to make a film about sending two people to referral with a teacher and hopefully the referral person.
We have finished our plan and now we are getting ready to film and ask the people that we want to record to film with us. we used a plane to show the angels and to make sure we have enough film for 30sec or 35sec.