
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Exploring Blogs

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.
We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.



  1. Hello Siola I like how you had put in of what you are learning but maybe
    next time you come add a video the the people that can not hear

  2. Hi Siola, I really like this blog post I think that you have done a great job on your blog post. I like how you have Put on the slide what you have been sharing on your blog. But for next time I think that you could maybe have added what you had learnt and what you found challenging. But great job.

    From: Natalia

  3. Hello Siola, Eilish here from Paparoa Range School. I really like this post that you have put on your blog. I like how it's on a slide and its easy to view without clicking on a link. Next time you should add in what you have learned in making a digital footprint.



Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or Ask a question you want to know more about

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.