Thanks for reading. Please leave a comment.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
My E.O.T.C. week
This term we have been doing E.O.T.C.week. E.O.T.C.week stands for Education Outside The Class. So we have been going out from the class and doing fun activities. The activity that we did first was surfing at Summer and body boarding. But first I did body birding then I did surfing. It was fun there but there was a lot of seaweed. The next day we went to Spencer pack to do some Adrenaline forest. We also went to the park to play .The favorite thing I liked was the climbing up the trees. Here are some photos of what we did. Please leave a comment.
Friday, November 18, 2016
The Lies and Truths I have Heard
I am proud of this piece of work because I wasn't managing my time well but then I got my work done.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
The Earthquake
On the 14th of November 2016,Christchurch had an earthquake. The earthquake damaged Kaikoura's road. There were big rocks and deep cracks on the road. If you don't know what an earthquake is it's when you feel the ground shaking and it feels like you're about to fall. When you feel the the ground shaking that means it's an earthquake. Here is a link what the earthquake did to Kaikoura's The Earthquake. Please leave a comment.
Here is some photos that the earthquake made.
Here is some photos that the earthquake made.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Shared Lunch Day
On Monday the 7
th Of November our class teacher said that we are having a shared lunch day with our cluss only. This is one of the recipes that we have made.
This is a short video that they have got.
Well we were making it so me of us went to Packin Save to bye the stuff that we made. Here are some photos of all the people that went to bye the stuff.
Here are the photos of us that where making the food.
Here is a group making slide.
Here is another group making fruit smoothies.
This is what it turned out to look like.
Thanks for looking please leave a comment and have a great day.
Friday, November 4, 2016
My Maths Video, By Siola
Friday, October 28, 2016
My Maths Video
In maths my group has been learning about fractions. I have made a DLO for you to watch what I have learnt over a couple of weeks ago. If you don't know what a DLO is it stands for Digital Learning Object. So please watch and leave a comment please.
Nutrition Learning
For topic we have been leaning about health but more about Nutrition.
We were working in partners and in my group I have Genica, Samicle and I.
We were looking at protein and Trans+Saturated fats.
Sugar: 24g
Sodium: 1.5g or (1,500 milligrams)
Saturated & Trans Fat: 22g
Protein: 34g
Fiber: 28g
Calories: 2,000
food groups,
trans+saturated fats
Friday, October 21, 2016
(First Draft)
On the first week of school holidays my family and cousins drove to Omuru to see our dad’s side of our family.
While we drove there I put down my window and I saw some cows, horses, and some more cows. When we were going past them we had to put the window back up in our car because it stink like poo. After that I left the window up just in case.
When we felt hungry we stopped at the park to eat. The things that we ate were KFC, fruit, doritos, and some drinks. When I finished eating the stuff I had they were still eating. I went to my dad and asked “since you guys are still eating can I go and play on the playground?” He said “yes but come back when I call you to come ok” So I ran and went on the flying fox. While I was going down the flying fox I was shouting “can someone come and play tag with me?” They all came and played but when they got there mum called out and said ”Come now we are going now” They said to me “ you called us at the wrong time” So we got in the van and started to drive again.
After that we continued our driving to Omuru. While we were driving we sang some songs like One dance, Flash light, and Cool down. After we sang the songs we all were thinking about watching a movie. The movie we picked was called Joyful Noise part 1 and 2. So when we finished our movies we watched we arrived there on Saturday night.
When we got there on Saturday night I ran out to see my family that I haven’t seen like for 10 years. We stayed at their home for the whole 2 weeks of school holidays. Finally when we were at their house we went to sleep because my family and cousins where tired from the trip.
I had a lot of fun with my family when we were going to Omuru. Next time I go there I would go to the pools and go to the movies.
Friday, September 23, 2016
My Film Festival Video
In term 3 we have been making videos in small groups. We got to pick our own group to do the videos that we had planned for in term 3. In my group I have Dakota, Kiesha, Samicle, Sofia, and myself. We planned to do a music video and we picked the song One Dance. After we decided to pick our group we grabbed two pieces of paper and we wrote it all down. Then made a slide and we put our planning on the slide. After that we started to film on the field, playground and next to the classroom. My group and I had some arguments but then we learnt our lesson and got back together. Next time I will have better communication so we can work together. I hope you enjoy our movie and please leave a comment if you like it.
Film Fes,
topic Term3 2016,
Week 9
Friday, September 16, 2016
The Movie day
Kia ora my name is Siola and today I have some photos to show you. In my group it is Samicle, Dakota, Kiesha, Sofia And Me . So enjoy and please comment. Have fun watching.
We have also made a invitation about inviting people to our movie that we have done.
so you are invited to our video.
Friday, September 9, 2016
My Math Video
W.A.L.T: Subtract using reversibility and subtract add
My math video,
Video of math strategy,
week 7 term 3
My space Chimp (Second Draft)
This is my presentation of my Space Chimp story. W.A.L.T write a narrative I like this story that I have written, I hope you like it to. It is probably one of my best stories If you want to say something don't be scared to leave a comment! Hope you enjoy! This is a story that I have made from this video on this slide that I have made my story. The video will be there at the end of the show.
My next step is: I am trying to use other punctuation like apostrophes,colons, semi colons, ellipses. (brackets) ':;...( )
First Draft,
Space Chimp,
Term 3 2016,
Friday, September 2, 2016
My Math Video (W.A.L.T:Add Ones Then Tens To Make Hundreds)
W.A.L.T: Add ones then tens to make hundreds
Friday, August 26, 2016
I Was Spent To Space (First Draft)
Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
- The title is suitable for the text.
- The orientation tells who the story is about, and when and where the story happened.
- The complication describes a problem and explains what happened next.
- The resolution explains how the problem was solved.
- Seeks feedback and makes changes to texts to improve clarity and meaning.
The Happy To Sad Chimpanzee
3, 2, 1, blast off!!!! 1961 the rocket was going to launch, I was terrified that I was on my own. I felt alone because my owner was leaving me. I heard my owner Jake say “start the countdown”. My heart was pounding like I was goIng to die. When I heard the rocket launch I felt like the first chimp going to space. When I heard Blast off I was moved back like there was a earthquake
When I got to space the only thing I heard was “Jack are you there”
I said “oooh aaaaa”
Then I heard a song called Sweet Mother.
He said “good luck Ju” and that was the last thing I heard from him. When he left me I was falling asleep. I was dreaming that I didn’t have to go to space and that I was back home with Jake…. I wish I wasn’t used for a science experiment.
65 years later
I woke up and said “why am I here?” and what am I doing here?” I said “I thought that I was with Jake at home” My memory was coming back and I remember why I’m here. I was a test if I was going to survive. But lucky I survived. When I woke up I saw like 500 stars around me. There was a milky way, and I saw the earth. When I saw earth I smiled and reached out to it. Suddenly I was heading to earth. I closed my eyes tightly as I can and it got bumpy. I was falling like I was going to crash but then………
Terra Firma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finally landed and I got out of the spaceship and I looked around to see if anyone was there.
I shouted Jake’s name and no one answered.
I was scared no one will come to help me.
Until I heard “ohhh aaaaa”.
When I heard that noise I was thinking it was Jake.
I ran to the noise because I thought it was Jake.
When I got there everyone was staring at me.
I thought that was Jake but it was 1000 chimpanzees staring at me.
The leader said to me “Where do you come from?”. I said “I came from space” I said “Who are you?”
He said “I ask the question around here.”
I asked him 1 more question I said “ Where are the humans that lived here?”
He said to his slaves “grab him and take him to the dungeon”
I ran as fast as I can.
I gasped, the earth meet me on front. A sharp pain burned in my back and I felt the sense of falling in and out of consciousness.
Darkness was coming. But this time for eternity.
My eyes caught a glimpse of something that seemed to take my pain away. It was my photo. But it was out of reach. I used all of what I had left to reach it, and clutch it in my hands.
I unscrewed the faded photo…….. A slow smile grew on my face.
“Sorry Ju! Sorry!”
First Draft. Term 3 2016,
Space Chimp,
My Math Video W.A.L.T: Divide Using Timetabls
W.A.L.T: Divide using time table facts.
I am still be working on my divided by.
My Math Video W.A.L.T: Divide Using Timetabls
W.A.L.T: Divide using time table facts.
I am still be working on my divided by.
My Math Video
W.A.L.T: Subtract in parts
Friday, August 19, 2016
My Math Strategy
W.A.L.T: Multiply In Parts
I think that I have done good at explaining this strategy.
Next time I would do another challenging maths problem.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
My Math learning
W.A.L.T: Multiply Multiples Of Ten (Tidy Numbers)
Friday, August 5, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
It's My Story Planner
Space Chimp,
Writing Term3 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
My Adaptation
This week we have been learning about animal adaptations.
We have made clay models of our diagram. My clay model is a giraffe's tongue.

A giraffe's neck is too short to reach the ground. As a result, it has to awkwardly spread its front legs or kneel to reach the ground for a drink of water.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
My Leaning Goals
These are my learning goals for 2016. In here will tell you about my goals I have met. And it will tell you about my goals that I am working on.
learning goals,
Term 2 2016,
Friday, June 10, 2016
W.A.L.T make improvements to my writing and present it to an audience.
My Worst Day Ever
My presentation of Lions,Buffalos and Crocodiles
It was the best afternoon ever in July the 13th. My herd and I were walking to the amazing lake called Savannah lake in Africa. We went to the lake to drink water before the next walk. I was playing with my two best friends called Jim and Max, and they were taller and older than me. Until Dad came and told me to stay with him incase something would happen. Luckily my dad told me to stay with him because I was about to meet my worst enemies.
I was thinking about the day that I would hear and meet my worst enemy. But then my dad saw a herd of lions and we ran away. When the lions saw us run away they started to chase my herd away. I was so frightened that I would die. The herd of lions bit and pushed me into the lake. I got bit in the lake until two crocodiles came to me and grabbed two of my legs. The three lions that pushed me into the lake grabbed my two feet at the front. They used me as a long rope playing buffalo war.
They were fighting like they were going to rip me into shreds. When the lions won me they dragged me out of the smelly lake they were smelling me. I was thinking that was really weird. I was thinking that I should run away but I didn’t because I thought that they would kill me if I try to run away. Then my herd came back for me. One lion just laid down and two of them jumped up and ran away to where they were first. The lion that just stayed almost got hit by my dad. But he is so lucky that he moved before my dad tried to get him. But when the lion moved he ran away to try to survive. My dad ran to get the lion but the lion was lucky that he ran to his side.
But finally I feel safe around my herd. I am lucky to have a family like this.
By Siola
Friday, June 3, 2016
My Strategy
My Strategy
W.A.L.T: Do subtraction in part.
How to get the answer quickly.
Friday, May 20, 2016
My Worst Day Ever (First Draft)
W.A.L.T recall events through the eyes of an animal.
Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when my recount has a
- Title
- Orientation: When? Who? Where? Why?
- Sequence of events: What happened? Describe using the senses (hear, taste, see, smell and feel).
- Personal Comment: How did the events make you feel?
First Draft
My Worst Day Ever
It was the best afternoon ever on July the 12th. My herd was walking to the amazing lake called Savanna Lake in Africa. We went to the lake to drink water before the next walk. I was playing with my two best friends called Jim and Max until Dad came and told me to stay with him. When I went with my dad my friend's dad told their sons to stay with me too. I was so glad that their dad told them to stay with me. Luckily my dad told me to stay with him because I was about to meet my worst enemies. I was thinking about the day that I would hear and meet my worst enemy. But then my dad saw a pride of lions so we ran away. When the lions saw us run away they started to chase our herd away. I was so frightened that I would die. The lions bit me and pushed me into the lake. I got my leg bitten in the lake until two crocodiles came to me and grabbed one of my legs. The three lions that pushed me into the lake grabbed my two feet at the front. They used me as a long rope playing buffalo war. When the lions got me one held me and the two others smelled me. I was thinking that was really weird. Then my herd came back for me. One lion just laid down and two of them ran away to there pride. The lion that just stayed almost got hit from my dad. But he is so lucky that he moved before my dad tried to get him. But when the lion moved he ran away to try and survive. My dad just ran to get it but the lion was just too fast for him. So my dad just stopped. I felt terrified. But now I feel safe near my herd.
Finally I feel safe around my herd. I am lucky to have a family like this.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Habitat: . Field mice, beavers, bison, deer, wapiti (North American elk), moose, and caribou.
Diet: meat.
Head: Dingo
The dingo is a wild dog, thought by scientists to be the descendent of a domestic dog brought to Australia five thousand years ago from what is now Indonesia. Dingoes are the largest land-dwelling carnivores in Australia. When hunting, they only kill enough to feed their packs. Dingoes do not bark, but they are not mute. They have a complex howling vocabulary, they snort, and they also purr. Dingoes tend to mate for life. They form small packs in which the dominant pair become the breeders. The entire pack helps care for the young. Dingoes can turn their heads almost 360 degrees to track other animals, such as birds in flight.
The world's fastest land animal, the cheetah can go from 0 to 65 km (40 mi) per hour in three strides, with a single stride covering 7-8 meters (23-26 feet). Cheetahs can reach full speed 110 km (70 mi) per hour in seconds. They are the only cats who have nonretractile claws. This gives them better traction, and helps maintain their footing while they run. Cheetahs are one of the few big cats who can purr. They also make other unusual sounds such as chirping, yelping, and bleating. Females live alone except when they are raising cubs.
Legs: pony
Relative to their size, the Shetland pony is recognized as the strongest Equid in existence. Shetlands can pull twice their own weight, giving them about twice the power of most heavy horses. They were domesticated around 500 B.C. and have been used all over the world for diverse purposes, from a riding horse to a plow or pack pony. The Shetland pony is one of the most popular horses in the world.
Siola's Battle at Kruger Sequence
The herd of buffalos have appeared in the lions home near the lake.
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The frightening lions are resting in the brown grass.
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Oh no the furious lions see the scrumptious buffalos so they start to chase them.
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The big buffalos start to run away because the lions are chasing them, but instead of going for the big buffaloes the lions went for the baby calf.
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The lions are fighting with a crocodile for its food, the lions are so annoyed because the lions got the delicious buffaloes.
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The lions are fighting with a crocodile for its food, the lions are so annoyed because the lions got the delicious buffaloes.
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The buffalos come to save their baby calf because they know their baby calf was missing from their family.
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They start charging with the lions for their baby.
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The baby calf is struggling to come out.
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Battle at Kruger National Park,
Term 2,
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